Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Woes, Pros, and Cons of Being Pale

Woe: You get sunburned really easily.
Pro: By the time that the bright red has finally faded into a light tan, it's winter again and for once you are darker than everyone else.
Con: Since it's winter, you are wearing long sleeves and jeans so no one can see your momentary triumph.
Woe: Pale hasn't been "in" for a long time...
Pro: Pairing your pale skin with styled hair and bright red lips makes for a classy 40s look, compensating for your non "in-ness."
Con: The opportunity to use this look doesn't come along as often as you would like.
Woe: You just might get mistaken for a vampire, (gee thanks, Twilight.)
Pro: Apparently vampires are really cool.
Con: From what I've heard, guys don't go for the immortal type...

Yesterday we went to the park with some friends. We were there for a few hours, and wouldn't you know it, I got sunburned. I have a bright red V on my chest. =( So last night when I was trying to avoid scratching the offending patch of skin, I thought of this blog post. Haha.

Really though, I'm happy with my skin color. I just don't like sunburn. But it did give me the opportunity to write a sardonic post, (like I need the excuse...)



  1. I love this Beck. You are such a gifted writer. I enjoy reading what you write so much!

  2. Aw, thanks, Mom! That means a lot to me, especially since you yourself are so good at writing! =D Love you!
