Monday, May 9, 2011

The Quest

I am on a quest. Journeys such as the one I currently undertake are often fraught with danger and intrigue. This one, of course, is no exception. Pitfalls and detours lie on every side and the way before me is often unclear. My companions are faithful and dear, but even they have the power to unwittingly draw me away from the path.
My quest is vastly important. I firmly believe lives will be altered by either my success or failure. Each day I realize with greater clarity just how vital it is to find what I seek. Yes, I am on a searching quest.
I seek a legendary beast surrounded by myth and ignorant assumption. Whenever it is mentioned those who think they know everything about it puff themselves up and confidently declare what they “know” to be true. Those that are less sure shuffle their feet uncomfortably and duck their heads, quickly changing the subject.
I must sort through myth and legend to find the true being. Will it be fearsome? Ugly? A wretched beast? Or will it reveal itself to be something beautiful and wondrous?
I confess that I fear the worst. I’m afraid that I will pass through countless terrors in order to reach it only to have it turn and rend me upon discovery. Then again, the quest itself could be the death of me.
There are a few intrepid travelers that claim to have found the creature before. Some are wretched shells of the people they were before the quest, bent and defeated. A lesser number, however, act as though they have discovered some great treasure. Their faces radiate with a joy and peace all too evident to ignore.
I must find it. I need to know the truth, need to know whether I will be conqueror or conquered. The possibilities both terrify and thrill me. But I shall prevail in my quest. Whether the final end be victory or death, I shall be faithful to reach it.
I must find this creature.
It is called My Worth.