Saturday, March 27, 2010

Jane Eyre

It's no secret. I'm obsessed with Jane and Rochester. I've seen six different films and love four of them. I quote them often and will gush enthusiastically when questioned on the subject.

So Mom, knowing of my undying passion, sent me a link to the Bronte-Along. Imagine my excitement at finding others who share my obsession with the brooding Rochester and quaint Jane! ("Brooding" and "quaint" really don't do them justice, but I would need to use words with a minimum of five syllables in order to begin to describe the incredible characters that Charlotte Bronte created.)

I am going to participate in the Bronte-Along by watching the films, rereading my favorite passages in the book, (I read it for the first time, start to finish, recently. Quite a thick read and absolutely amazing.) and by blogging excessively on the subject. I may compose a few songs on the piano inspired by the characters. I warn you, however, I too, like Jane, play "a little." Rather better than some, but not well. ;)

I am very much looking forward to seeing what sort of creative ramblings, both written and played, come of this Bronte-Along. =) I'll keep an updated list of Eyre-themed blog posts on this page. Enjoy! =)

Something In Common