Thursday, May 7, 2009

A New Leader

Last week Devin stepped down from leading our dance group. He said he had other things that needed to take priority and stuff like that. So Uncle Josh took over last Wednesday said he would be possibly need assistance in the near and distant future. (Dancing isn't really in his comfort zone, but he has really great ideas and stuff.) I immediately volunteered after class and he said we should talk about it some time.

This past Saturday he left a voice mail on my phone saying that he wanted to give me a chance to help choreograph a second dance for YFN, (if we win the talent show we get to preform again,) and to lead the group that is going. I was so excited! So while he teaches a drama to the group stays home, I'll be teaching our dance to the rest of them. How cool is that?

So on Tuesday in between getting my permit renewed and taking the ADAP class, Uncle Josh and I met at the church. He had taken a seven minute song and condensed it to just over ninety seconds, (that's the limit time for the talent show.) Uncle Josh is so amazing! He did a such a great job. It's an amazing song and we choreographed the first half of it. Devin came in after a few minutes and helped us figure out a few things. It was so much fun.

Then the next day I talked to Uncle Josh on the phone and he said that Devin still wanted to dance in the group if I didn't mind. I was like, "are you kidding me?! Of course I want him there!" He's a great dancer and has the passion needed for the song. I had hoped he would want to, especially since we only have one other guy in the group.

Anyway, since last night was the first night doing the new dance, Uncle Josh lead it, just to make the transition easier. Next week I'll take over. I'm so excited! This kind of thing is so up my alley. And the dance is going to be amazing! Devin says it's "sick." I know that's supposed to mean it's uber-cool and I'm sorry, but when you've spent hours feeling nauseous and throwing up in a car, the word "sick" will only make you think of one thing. Haha!

Anyway, I'm really looking forward to this opportunity. It's totally a God thing. =D


We are finally moving forward! Tuesday Mom and I stood in line for an hour at the DMV and got my permit renewed. Yes, it had actually expired. Ugh. I can't get a license until I've had 50 hours behind the wheel, 6 of which have to be at night. I've only had about 5, none of which have been around other cars. Mostly parking lot and neighborhood stuff, you know?

Later that evening Kath and I did a four hour class and test at the tech on Alcohol and Drug Awareness. (It's now a requirement for getting a license.) The test was ridiculously easy and we both got all twenty questions right. =P One thing I did learn is that waiting until I turn 18 to get a license will be more simple because until you turn 18 you are only eligible for a Class D license which has extra restrictions on it. If I wait I can get an adult license without doing anything in between.

So for the next few months I'll be driving Kath to and from work in the van, (YIKES!) I drove her to work today, but I let Mom take over on the way back. I had had enough for now. It was so nerve wracking! The van is one big hunk o' junk and it's pretty scary driving it. My heart was beating so hard and my muscles were all tense and I was shaking and stuff. Meh.

Don't get me wrong, I want to drive. I look forward to the freedom that it will provide. But it's a pretty scary prospect. You're in control of a potential weapon, really. Plus I've had bad dreams where I was trying to drive and like totally screwed up. Doesn't help matters much.

But Mom said I did a good job so that's encouraging. I tended to lean too far to the right, but it's better than the left. I'd rather go off the pavement than hit another vehicle. Of course if I could split the distance evenly that would be even better. =P