Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Movies, Movies, and More Movies

One of the things that was really fun about just being the four of us while the girls were in Highlands is that we got to watch a lot of movies that Kath and I had never seen before. All in all I think we watched about seven movies that were new to us. We borrowed The Holiday and Flash Gordon from Uncle Josh and Aunt Carolyn and Mom bought Rush Hour from Wally World. I'd have to say The Holiday was my favorite out of the three, but Flash Gordon is a close second just by virtue of the fact that it is the cheesiest, best 80's movies ever. We also watched Spies Like Us, (an 80's comedy with Chevy Chase,) and needless to say it was equally amusing and ridiculous.

On Sunday we all slept in as late as we wanted to, and then stumbled out of bed to go see Terminator Salvation. It was pretty good. Fairly dark, but that's kind of a requirement for those end-of-the-world type movies. It had some really cool action sequences and stuff like that, but not as much plot as I would generally like. Still, I enjoyed it. There were so many startle moments! I think I must have jolted out of my seat half a dozen times. Haha.

It was around 4:00 when we got home and we started fixing dinner. Oh my gosh it was amazing! We had homemade guacamole and queso with tortilla chips for an appetizer while we worked on fixing baked potatoes and stuffed mushrooms with garlic, cheese, and cream cheese. Then Dad fired up the grill and made steak while Mom assembled a salad with bell pepper, tomato, and feta. What a meal! Once it was all prepared we watched Taken for the first time in the Great Room with our feast. It was so good!

And the movie was awesome too. Admittedly, it freaked me out quite a bit since the storyline is horrifically realistic and not some futuristic fantasy, but it was still really good. The Dad searching for his seventeen year old daughter did not spare anyone in his efforts. Major bad guy booty whoopin' occurred on a regular basis. Gotta love it.

So yeah, I definitely enjoyed getting to watch so many movies. =D

Monday, June 1, 2009

Food, Fun, and Friends

Wow, I haven't written in way too long. Sorry, my apologies. ;) Let me see if I can catch up on the last couple of days.

On Friday nothing particularly out of the ordinary happened until Mom got a call from Sarah Taylor saying she needed some place to be for the afternoon and evening. (Her Dad was in the hospital undergoing some tests. He is still there. The situation looks bad but God is in control so keep him in your prayers.) Anyway so she had dinner with us and we watched So You Think You Can Dance, (LOVE that show,) and talked and laughed until she went home later that evening.

Late Friday night Kath and I were watching The Holiday, (it's becoming one of my favorite romantic comedies ever,) when I got a text from Rachel asking if we wanted to do lunch the next day. Well of course we did but Kath had to be at work at one so we settled for an early lunch at Barberitos, (our traditional meeting place.) I drove the van there, (yay me! Haha!) and learned some very interesting and cool things about Mom from when she was a teenager that I didn't know before. ;)

So we got there and ordered our burritos and two large quesos to share and thoroughly enjoyed the food and each other's company. It was nice having Mom with us since most of the time we go just the five of us girls, (can't exactly snatch Mom away for a lunch outing and leave the Littles.) And since the Littles are currently visiting grandparents there was no reason for her to stay home!

After Barberitos we went to the Factory Connection which is conveniently located next to where Kath works. I think we must have spent close to an hour there just chatting and looking at clothes. One of the things that I like about the Factory Connection is that they always have long dresses. There was one hanging in the window that I had been looking at for a couple of weeks. It was gathered under the bust line and had three or four tiered layers with embroidery on every other layer. It was sort of a sienna red with cream colored thread and I just loved it. So I finally tried it on and it looked great! Since I had some cash from a recent baby sitting job I decided to get it and Mom said she'd go halves with me on it. =D

Rachel bought a cute leather turquoise purse and an adorable celery green summer dress. Caroline got a great pair of trouser style jeans...and I can't remember if Meg bought anything or not. Haha. So after making our purchases we stopped in to show Kath what we bought and she, in turn, oohed and aahed over each brilliant buy! =D

Then Meg explained to me that they really didn't have to go home yet so of course I invited them over. We started talking about fun movies and things and I told them about Flash Gordon. (We borrowed it from Uncle Josh and Aunt Carolyn and it is so funny! Cheesiest movie ever, bar none.) They decided that they would enjoy getting a good laugh and we put it on. They were already crying from laughing so hard within the first five minutes. The theme song by Queen is priceless!

Just when Flash Gordon was reaching it's end, Sarah Sutton came over to spend the evening with us while her parents were in Tally celebrating her Mom's birthday. We had a blast being together! They all stayed for dinner which consisted of spicy sausage and Cajun rice with bell peppers. Yum.

When we were finished Kath cleaned up from dinner and volunteered to make cookie dough! Oh man, it was sooooo good. Sweet and light and fluffy and oh so yummy! We made two batches and ate about three fourths of it! Haha.

Meg, Rachel and Caroline ended up staying with us until around 10:00 and Sarah left at 11:30. It was such an awesome day! I haven't had a day with friends in a long time. And we hadn't seen Meg, Rachel, and Caroline in over a month! Oh, the travesty! It was great to be able to catch up.